How New Provincial Changes Might Mean New Signs For Your Business

If there’s one thing we know for sure it’s that anytime a new provincial update takes place, there’s a pretty good chance new plans for managing the pandemic will also be put in place. If you live and work in the Province of Ontario, you’ll already know that there is a new provincial pandemic re-opening framework. While things are always changing, the other thing we know for sure is that if you need new and/or updated signs for your business due to this latest round of announcements, the team at Speedpro Sign Shop can help.
It’s anticipated that by June 14th we will be at Stage One of the provinces new “Roadmap to ReOpen,” a three stage approach to opening up services and business in Ontario. The target of June 14th was set based on achieving a certain vaccination rate but currently, it’s looking like we might even be a little bit ahead of schedule! Are you ready? Here’s what you need to know:
Retail will be permitted to reopen with restrictions.
Outdoor gathering with up to 10 people will be allowed.
Outdoor patio dining is permitted – with up to four people from the same household allowed at the same table.
Restaurant owners – we don’t have to tell you, we know you’re sector has been particularly hard hit and we know summer weather is here. People can’t wait to get out on the patio and enjoy a beverage or two, a charcuterie board, snacks or a really great meal. You need great signage that reminds folks you’re open, how many people you can accommodate and perhaps even signs for designated waiting zones. Ask us how we can create attention grabbing “headline” signage that will attract the attention of your customers AND how we can get them done fast. June 14th isn’t that far away and if we’re all on our best behaviour, the reopening might even happen sooner. Call us today! *Campgrounds, outdoor fitness classes like bootcamps, and day camps are also allowed to open. Chances are, you need updated signs too! You may even want to consider A-Frames, Sandwich boards, door hangers or flyers to let people know you are about to reopen!
Stage Two is anticipated to occur about 21 days after stage one, if all goes well. Finally our long-suffering friends in personal care services can open their doors with capacity limits. Let your customers know how best you will be working together to accommodate them, with clear signage on your doors and windows, as well as reminders about mask wearing which will still be mandatory during this phase of service resumption. Overnight camps and sports leagues that operate outdoors are also able to reopen so if you need curbside signage, tents with logos and custom printing or even banners supporting your team – we can help. Changes to essential and non-essential retail capacity restrictions will also occur during stage two. In our experience – letting people know up front, with good signage, what to expect when they join a line outside of a store – is just a good idea. It helps your employees as well in terms of managing crowd control and reduces the chances of frustrations building while folks wait for their turn to enter. Social distancing is also still expected so you may even want to consider refreshing any floor markings that help to remind people to maintain distance. In great news – because summer is HOT – outdoor amusement parks and water parks will also be allowed to open in this stage.
Finally, Stage Three will see indoor dining open, both essential and non essential retail with increased capacity, indoor attractions and cultural events open and even movie theatres, bingo halls and casinos will be allowed to open for business.
There is a lot going on and much to consider. Members of the public could be forgiven for arriving at the door of one type of business to find it closed while its immediate neighbour is open. That’s why perhaps now more than ever, good signage that clearly shares messaging not just about your business but its reopening guidelines too, just makes good business sense. Use our newly launched chat feature to connect with us, send an email or pick up the phone and call us – Ontario is about to open (we hope!) and our business is to help your business succeed! Ask us how we can help!